At the Caisse des dépôts, 10.7 million accounts and contracts are “forgotten” and unclaimed by the french ! This represents 7.18 billion Euros waiting to be recovered.
But how to find these lost funds? Here you will find some quick tips.
Note : The Caisse des dépôts is a public financial institution that does supervise the management of savings account for the general public as well the financing of public and private projects.
Exciting work as a private investigator
Every individual can inquire to find these bank accounts because there is a solution . All you have to do is to consult the website of the CICLADE.
This service is free and you may recover a small fortune. But be careful, you must follow certain rules for this:
Beware of the 30-year period before the french administration will automatically recovers the funds.
This period may seem long, but in reality, 30 years goes by quickly!
Imagine that your grandparents opened a Livret A at your birth by investing a sum of money on it each month. As a result of a family estrangement, everyone has forgotten about this investment . It costs nothing to check with the Caisse des dépôts that a dormant account belongs to you.
Which accounts and investments are concerned by these searches?
- Compte courant ➔ Regular checking account
- Compte à vue ➔ Regular checking account
- Compte-titres : compte bancaire permettant d’investir en bourse ➔ Brokerage account
- Livret A ➔ Savings account
- LDDS : Livret de Développement Durable et Solidaire ➔ Savings account
- PEL : Plan d’Épargne Logement ➔ Savings account
- Covedi : Compte pour le développement industriel ➔ Savings account
- Livret jeune ➔ Savings account (opened for people 12 to 25 yeras old)
Note : In France the Banking institutions are offering a wide variety of savings account that are designated each for a specific purpose.
In practice, these accounts and investments are quite difficult to access:
Many people complain about the apparent simplicity of the process which actually leads to a few positive results.
Indeed, if you do not fill the document properly CICLADE website, not to mention details on certain elements or finally if the demand is registered with a small error , the procedure will succeed.
This is why some people will get dscouraged and give up on the procedure.
One can wonder why the French taxes administration can easily identify an individual account through an existing digital idendity system to declare our taxes, and does not automatically find the accounts supposed to belong to us?
When it comes to an ATD ( avis à tiers détenteur), lien to a Third Party Holder, account seizures are made with greater ease and taxpayers are quickly found.
Find the essential information with the help of detectives
Do not hesitate to call a private investigator that can will help you to obtain the information necessary to carry out and succeed on your research.
An old uncle born at an unknown date, a forgotten old address, an unknown date of death… These are all questions that our Agency will help you to answer.
Answering to all the questions to process your request will be decisive to complete your search form.
A competent and experienced private detective firm, at a correct and agreed price, can then help you carry out your procedures.
Do not hesitate to call on our firm of private research agents specialized in this type of research. The investment can pay off!