Penal law

Recherche d'éléments probants
Contre-enquête pénale
Préparation de dépôt de plainte

Today, many associations are soliciting our services. We intervene for various associations in addition to environmental and animal causes.

Thus, we can assist associations fighting violence against women, children or gay couples.

Unfortunately, acts of violence, harassment or discrimination are increasing . Nevertheless, it is essential to remember that those acts are illegal and punishable by law. Our certified detectives will help you to gather facts and evidences and prepare a full documented report that could be used in front of a competent court of law.

In some cases involving physical violence or moral harassment , It will require filing a complaint so that the aggressor can be convicted and the victim move forward with his or her life. We can therefore help you with collecting evidences and preparing the complaint.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. In those type of cases, each situation is unique and singular. Field and administrative investigations can be carried out according to your needs. We are working on a regular basis with attorneys and bailiffs.

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