
Dépôt sauvage
Maltraitance animale
Nuisances sonores

Today, no one can deny global warming issue and the environmental degradation that the planet is experiencing.

A lot of associations are involved and do their best to defend the environmental and animal causes.

Unfortunately, many companies or individuals still behave in ways that are harmful to biodiversity.

As experts in the search of evidences , we can therefore work in close collaboration with associations in order to track down pollution violation , identify the authors of an illegal waste deposit or even find out of an animal abuse situation.

To do this, we carry out field and administrative investigations through extensive OSINT (Open Sources INTelligence) research.

We record evidences, collected with transparency, and compiled it in an official investigation report. All our investigators are certified. Our reports can therefore be used in front of the competent court of law.

In addition, we are working on a regular basis with lawyers or bailiffs. Our ethics and values ​​make us particularly sensitive to the environment and animal welfare.

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