Can you call on the services of a private detective during public holidays and holiday periods?

At Agora Détectives, based in Paris, we have teams of professionals ready to intervene every day, including bank holidays and public holidays, throughout the Île de France region. These times, often perceived as breaks in everyday life, can be strategic in resolving certain sensitive issues. Here is an overview of the main dates and the reasons why our expertise can make the difference if we intervene to provide evidence of a loss.

Which public holidays in France are open to private detectives?

New Year’s Day (1 January)

The beginning of the year is often marked by family reunions or group celebrations. This can be an opportunity to discreetly monitor events linked to suspicions of adultery, which sometimes emerge during late-night parties. Problems relating to child custody or the endangerment of children through inappropriate behaviour are common. For example, a father who no longer has a driving licence because of alcohol-related problems and who drives with his child when he is not allowed to do so. Another example is when one of the parents goes out partying with his friends, leaving his young child alone in the flat for several hours.

Détective privé au nouvel an

Labour Day (1 May) and detective work

This non-working day is also an opportunity for concealed activities. Cases of unfair competition can arise in sectors such as commerce, where certain competitors take advantage of the closure of businesses to carry out illegal activities.

Bastille Day (14 July)

14 July, with its parades and fireworks, is a festive day when surveillance activities can reveal valuable clues. In family affairs, this date can see suspicious behaviour linked to unauthorised departures or hidden meetings. On the other hand, crowds and excitement make it easier for people to evade conventional surveillance. Our investigators know how to blend into this environment to collect evidence discreetly and efficiently.

All Saints’ Day (1 November)

This day of remembrance can be the occasion for discreet surveillance to check on the presence or activities of a person at a specific location.

What are the key holiday periods when a detective is most useful?

Christmas and New Year

Engager un détective privé à Noël

Family or professional gatherings around Christmas can be an opportunity to detect behaviour suspected of infidelity, where the intervention of a detective is ideal. The exchange of gifts or prolonged absences can sometimes confirm suspicions.

Summer holidays

Although not associated with a public holiday, summer holidays often provide opportunities for unfair competition, particularly when employees or associates are on leave. Our team can discreetly monitor irregular business activities. Adultery is also common at this time of year, when private detectives are not necessarily on holiday.

Valentine’s Day (14 February)

Although not a public holiday, this day is often critical for investigations into adultery and symbolic in materialising a separation. Restaurant or hotel reservations can provide valuable clues. Private detectives generally intervene urgently to verify the reality of a last-minute meeting, for example. This can be done for a premarital investigation, a cohabitation with children and/or assets in common, or during a wedding.

Halloween (31 October)

Engager un détective privé à Halloween

With its disguises, night-time festivities and crowds, this day offers a unique context for discreet investigations. People seeking to conceal their activities often take advantage of this atmosphere to go unnoticed. A private detective can intervene effectively in cases such as suspected adultery, by keeping an eye on party venues or unusual movements.

This is also a good time to resolve childcare disputes, where meeting times or places can be checked. Checking the timetable of teenagers on the verge of family breakdown and putting themselves in danger can also be a possible area for intervention by a certified investigator.

Generally speaking, a seminar, a birthday party or a stag or hen party are good times to monitor certain types of behaviour.

Key services offered by Agora Detectives

  • Surveillance and shadowing: Ideal for cases of adultery, child custody and suspicious behaviour.
  • Unfair competition investigation: Monitoring of business activities during closed periods.
  • Resolution of family disputes: Monitoring of comings and goings or verification of custody conditions.

Why choose Agora Détectives?

Our team is specially trained to intervene in complex conditions, even at times when general attention is directed elsewhere. Our discretion, expertise and ability to react quickly make us a valuable ally in protecting your interests, whatever the day or circumstance.

It is legal to call on the services of a private detective, but the intervention must always be proportionate to the objective sought and must not violate the privacy of the persons under surveillance.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific needs. Even during the festive season, our private detectives are always ready to respond. We are at your side, 365 days a year. Our rates are always adjusted to the complexity of the case.

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