Agora Détectives

Violating the professional secrecy

What is violating the professional secrecy?

Professional secrecy is a code for a number of professions linked to the public service. Its failure is a growing problem within communities. Whether it is leaking information or highlighting its quality and function, these acts are often unconscious and thoughtless.

Professional secrecy must be exercised by the public official with respect and loyalty to his duties. It is even an obligation. The public official is prohibited from disclosing and reporting facts or information of which he has knowledge in the course of his duties.

However, it happens that some public service officials engage in the resale of confidential information or even in some cases on very sensitive defense issues . The official then acts deliberately in order to make money in an illegal way.

Who can initiate an investigation in a professional secrecy violation case?

Any local authority where the obligation of professional secrecy is mandatory for a public official has the right to initiate an investigation.

What are the means used by the private investigator in a profesionnal secrecy violation case?

The private detective will develop a strategy and will implement all necessary means to identify the perpetrator(s) of this violation. The detective can set up a computer watch first before carrying out surveillance and tailing the public official. The detective will therefore schedule an administrative investigation along with a field investigation in order to obtain the best results.

Why calling on a private investigator to collect evidences and compile a file in a profesionnal secrecy case?

The intervention of the private detective will make it possible to gather all the necessary evidence and validate it. By collecting evidence, that can be used directly in litigation. The private investigator always acts within a legal framework.

How much does cost the intervention of the private investigator?

It will always be less costly to hire a private investigator than the existing and potential damage. Do not hesitate to contact our agency to review and analyse your case and provide you with a tailored made quote.


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