Agora Détectives

Idendity theft

What is idendity theft?

Using someone else idendity is called identity theft. It is a crime to voluntarily take the identity of another person. This process has the goal to carry out fraudulent actions. Identity theft can take place via the internet mailboxes or even over the phone.

Generally, this type of act is committed for money purposes. Identity theft and fraud have a common goal: to cheat financially an individual or a company in order to steal money from the victims. These acts fall under the category of criminal offences. With the proliferation of new technologies, this offense is becoming more and more common. It often becomes difficult to obtain a conviction of the perpetrators and a reimbursement of the sums.

The criminal code will punish idendity theft by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros.

Who has the right to carry out an investigation in an idendity theft case?

Anyone who is the victim of identity theft has the right to initiate an investigation and to obtain compensation from the perpetrator.

What are the methods used by a private investigator in an idendity theft case?

The private detective will develop a strategy allowing the victim to gather all the evidence necessary to defend his interests. He will investigate the procedures and technics and the perpetrators. Field investigations and administrative investigations may be scheduled in order to carry out the mission.

Why soliciting a private investigator in an idendity theft case?

If you are the victim of identity theft, you must act very quickly to limit the damages. The intervention of the private detective will help to gather all the relevant material evidences in a legal manner. The evidences collected will allow the victim to use it in a litigation.

How much does cost the intervention of a private investigator in an idendity theft case?

Calling on a professional detective will always be significantly less costly than the damages suffered . The cost will depend on the time spent and the means used to investigate. The price will be calculated on a case-by-case basis. Each file being unique we will review each case with great care and attention. We are offering flat fee rate packages on those types of cases.

Free estimates . Do not hesitate to call us for more information.


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