Agora Détectives

Employees job activity control

What is controling the job activity of an employee?

One important point for an employer is to control the real activity of the employees is inherent in the bond of subordination characteristic of the employment contract. If the employer does not have to justify its steps to have the activity of its employees monitored, at the time and place of work, the technical means put in place must be proportional to the goals sought with compliance and the fundamental rights of its employees, and overall their right to privacy.

Who can initiate an investigation in a job related activity control?

The employer can request the services of a private investigator in case of doubt or suspicion about the presence and efficiency of one of his employees. It will be a question of verifying the veracity of his external professional activity or on the company schedule , during his working time.

What are the methods used by the private investigator in an employee control of activity mission?

The private detective can set up various means of investigation such as , surveillance, tailing or an administrative investigation around the targeted employee in order to know exactely what does the employee does on his working time.

Why calling on a private investigator to control the activity of an employee?

Calling on a firm of private detectives to control the real activity of an employee will make it possible to remove the doubts of the employer about an employee and to preserve a good trustworthy relationship. . This can also make it possible to prove that the employee is acting against the interests of the company and that he is not respecting his commitments related to his employment contract. In the latter case, the employer may, through the report of the private detective, assert his rights by negotiating the departure of the employee or by calling on a bailiff to draw up a report which.

How much does cost the intervention of a private investigator in an employee control of activity mission?

Generally, our agency offers weekly packages for this type of surveillance. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will review your case and submit to your attention a detailed quote tailored to your goals and budget.


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