Rental application

What is check in a tenant application?

A verification will take place prior to a lease contract to check if the information reported by the applicant is accurate.

Who has the right to initiate an investigation to validate a future tenant application?

Any landlord can initiate an investigation before signing a lease contract to check on the application of the future tenant.

What are the methods used by the detective on a tenant application?

The private detective will check in through open source investigation to verify several informtions on the application.

Other elements of the files may be searched by other means, such as the veracity of the job held.

Each survey will be adapted to the file analyzed and will implement all the means useful for the validation or not of the tenant’s file.

Why hiring a private investigator to check in on a rental application?

The intervention of the private detective will make it possible to highlight discrepancies and lies on the applicant file. With the validation of all the informations the owner will be able to take the best decision.

This investigation will allow the client to be caught in a complicated situation and to avoid unpaid rent.


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