Agora Détectives

Investigation on franchises compliances

What is a franchise?

Franchising is a business contract in which one party , known as “the franchisor”, concedes to the other party , known as “the franchisee”, the right to use all or part of the intangible rights belonging to the franchisor (trade name, trademarks , licenses), generally against the payment of a percentage of its turnover or a based on its profits.

The performance of the contract is bound by an obligation from franchisor to provide the franchisee with the benefits of its technical experience, its commercial or industrial methods, and its advertising campaigns.

Who has the right to carry out an investigation to control a franchise?

Both the franchised merchant and the franchisor can hire a private investigator to verify if one side or the other is in compliance with the application of a franchise agreement.

What are the methods used by the private investigator in a franchise compliance case file?

The private detective will adapt his methods and technics according to the needs of the client. Thus, field investigations such as surveillance or collection of testimonies can be carried out. In addition, an administrative investigation may also be necessary. The evidences gathered by our investigators are legal.

Why solliciting the services of a private investigators to proove the non compliance?

The advantage of calling on a detective on a franchise agreement case is above all to prove bad faith and non-compliance with the obligations agreed on the contract. Therefore , the side that has been abused will be able to assert its rights and bring the case in front of the juridiction in charge of those cases : Commercial court.

What is the cost of hiring a detective to investigate on a franchise compliance case?

Each case has its own particularities and our prices will be adapted to the complexity of the file and the goals of the clients . Do not hesitate to contact Anthony CAUDAL, the director of Agora Detectives . We will review and study your case with great attention and provide you with a quote that will meet your goals and budget.


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