Biological parents

What is a research on biological parents?

A search for biological parent(s) consists, for a private detective, of responding to a client who did not know his parents and who would like to meet them.

Who has the right to initiate an investigation on biological parents search?

Anyone who did not know his or her parents can initiate an investigation to find the biological parent(s).

What are the possibilities and the limits of a private investigator intervention in case of search for biological parents?

The private detective will first collect as much information as possible from the client.

Then the investigation will take place on the internet in order to find research options and discover the first relevant elements for the investigation.

Finally, the private detective will carry out investigations mainly in collaboration with local authorities to find the trace of the biological parent(s).

Field investigations may take place, in France or abroad, in order to fnalize and confirm the results of the investigation.

The limits of this type of investigation lie in the fact of right to remain anonymous , in particular, for a person who did not declare his parental link at the time of birth, to remain anonymous and to refuse that the results of the survey be revealed to the client.

What is the interest to call on a private invetigator on a research for biological parents?

The experience and knowledge of the private detective will help through his investigation to find the biological parent(s) with all repects of the law, with repect of their right to remain anonymous.

Each case being unique, do not hesitate to contact us for more details.


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