Agora Détectives

Child support

What is child support?

Child support is the amount of money paid by one of the parents to contribute to the education and needs of children following a breakup or divorce.

Who has the right to initiate an investigation on a child support case?

Both parents have the right to initiate a private detective investigation for a child support file.

How does a private investigator intervene in a child support case?

The private investigator will be able to intervene before or after the judgment rendered by the family affairs judge that fixes the amount of child support.

Indeed, before the judgement , the private detective will be able to provide information on the standard of living and the financial means of the parent who will have to pay child support so that it is assessed fairly.

After the judgement the private detective will be able to collect information on the lifestyle, the financial resources and the needs of the parents for a possible reassessment of the child support amount one way or the other.

The private detective can therefore intervene at any time by carrying out field investigations or administrative investigations. The evidences collected are considered legal and may be added to the file for the family judge.

Why using the services of a detective in a child support case?

The intervention of the private detective on the child support case will be useful to adjust the amount of the child support according to the budgets and the needs of the ex-spouses. A re-evaluation after the judgment may be requested if some elements have changed.

How much does cost the intervention of a detective in child support case?

The cost will depend on the complexity of the case. For example, verifying an insolvency will require more research time than a surveillance mission to find out about a new job.

The average budget is in between 800 and 2000 euros to compile a strong case.
Do not hesitate to contact us . We will review and study your case with great attention and provide you with a quote that will meet your goals and budget.

Note: Our prices are subject to the French national sales tax : TVA. Exemption may applied.


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